Rhopalomyia e-leptocephala-ribbed-leaf-gall

The inducer of this gall is unknown or undescribed.
Family: Cecidomyiidae | Genus: Rhopalomyia
Detachable: detachable
Color: green
Texture: hairless, ribbed
Shape: spindle
Season: Spring
Alignment: erect, leaning
Location: lower leaf, leaf midrib, between leaf veins
Possible Range:i
Common Name(s):
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image of Rhopalomyia e-leptocephala-ribbed-leaf-gall
image of Rhopalomyia e-leptocephala-ribbed-leaf-gall
image of Rhopalomyia e-leptocephala-ribbed-leaf-gall
image of Rhopalomyia e-leptocephala-ribbed-leaf-gall
image of Rhopalomyia e-leptocephala-ribbed-leaf-gall
image of Rhopalomyia e-leptocephala-ribbed-leaf-gall

Gallformers ID Notes

Green, hairless, spindle or cylindrical shaped galls emerging erect or leaning from on or adjacent to the lower midrib of leaves of Euthamia leptocephala. The galls are longitudinally ribbed and typically narrow to a short nipple at the apex. Observed in Louisiana in May.

- Gallformers Contributors: (2023) Gallformers ID Notes©

Further Information:

See Also:
Unless noted otherwise in the ID Notes, observations of this gall are collected in the Observation Field Gallformers Code with value e-leptocephala-ribbed-leaf-gall on iNaturalist. You can view them here:
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