Disholcaspis canescens (agamic)

Family: Cynipidae | Genus: Disholcaspis
Detachable: detachable
Color: gray, pink, green, tan
Texture: pubescent, honeydew, hairy
Abundance: common
Shape: globular, sphere
Season: Fall
Alignment: erect
Walls: thick
Location: stem
Form: bullet
Cells: monothalamous
Possible Range:i
Common Name(s): Round Honeydew Gall Wasp
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image of Disholcaspis canescens (agamic)
image of Disholcaspis canescens (agamic)
image of Disholcaspis canescens (agamic)
image of Disholcaspis canescens (agamic)
image of Disholcaspis canescens (agamic)
image of Disholcaspis canescens (agamic)
image of Disholcaspis canescens (agamic)
image of Disholcaspis canescens (agamic)
image of Disholcaspis canescens (agamic)

Plant Galls of the Western United States

Disholcaspis canescens
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This cynipid wasp induces densely hairy, monothalamous, detachable, round, silvery, slightly mottled bud galls on blue and scrub oaks. The silvery-gray bloom that covers the galls rubs off easily.

Quercus douglasii
Quercus berberidifolia

- Russo, Ronald A. : (2021) Plant Galls of the Western United States©

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