Disholcaspis rubens (agamic)

Family: Cynipidae | Genus: Disholcaspis
Detachable: detachable
Color: pink, red, yellow, tan
Texture: honeydew, hairy
Abundance: common
Shape: globular
Season: Fall
Alignment: erect
Walls: thick
Location: stem
Form: bullet
Cells: monothalamous
Possible Range:i
Common Name(s):
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image of Disholcaspis rubens (agamic)
image of Disholcaspis rubens (agamic)
image of Disholcaspis rubens (agamic)
image of Disholcaspis rubens (agamic)
image of Disholcaspis rubens (agamic)
image of Disholcaspis rubens (agamic)
image of Disholcaspis rubens (agamic)
image of Disholcaspis rubens (agamic)
image of Disholcaspis rubens (agamic)

Colorado Cynipidae--Part II

Holcaspis rubens, n. sp.

Galls.--The galls are globular, from 10-14 mm in diameter, composed of a dense corky substance, each with a single larval cell that is easily detached from the surrounding portions, attached singly to small twigs. They have either a smooth or rough exterior, and are of a light straw color, usually considerably tinted with red. They resemble very closely the galls of Holcaspis rugosa Bass [Disholcaspis quercusglobulus]. The flies, however, are very different.

Location: CO

The flies began to emerge from the galls October 20th.

- CP Gillette: (1893) Colorado Cynipidae--Part II©


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