Diplodia tumefasciens

Family: Botryosphaeriaceae | Genus: Diplodia
Detachable: integral
Color: brown, red
Texture: bumpy, ruptured/split
Alignment: integral
Location: stem
Possible Range:i
Common Name(s): Corky bark disease
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image of Diplodia tumefasciens
image of Diplodia tumefasciens
image of Diplodia tumefasciens

Diseases in Aspen: Ecology and Management in the Western United States

Diplodia turnefaciens (Shear) Zalasky (Macrophorna turnefaciens) has been proven capable of producing galls on aspen (Kaufert 1937). Branch galls do not appear to be as numerous as the trunk rough bark (fig. 11A). The fungus gains entrance into the bark through lenticels but does not penetrate deeper than the outer layer of the cortex, because it apparently stimulates the formation of a protective periderm. As the fungus invades the layer of periderm, a new phellogen develops and a new layer of periderm forms. This fungus invasion and formation of a protective barrier against the pathogen continues for years, resulting in the formation of rough bark and branch galls. Zalasky (1964) reported fungus penetration of intact or broken cuticle and epidermis of aspen and black poplar (Populus nigra), and its occurrence on other poplars.

- Thomas E. Hinds: (1985) Diseases in Aspen: Ecology and Management in the Western United States©

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