Asteromyia chrysothamni

Family: Cecidomyiidae | Genus: Asteromyia
Detachable: integral
Color: gray, white, black
Texture: hairless
Season: Summer
Alignment: integral
Walls: mycelium lining
Location: upper leaf, lower leaf, leaf midrib, between leaf veins
Form: leaf blister
Cells: monothalamous
Possible Range:i
Common Name(s):
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image of Asteromyia chrysothamni
image of Asteromyia chrysothamni
image of Asteromyia chrysothamni

A Taxonomic Revision of the Genus Asteromyia (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae)

These are usually blue-gray, sometimes buff or with buff markings, 5-15 mm long; elliptical on hosts with wide leaves but elongate with rounded ends on hosts with narrow leaves; usually flat, but sometimes with a swollen appearance. These galls are occasionally found also on the stem. In the galls I have examined, there was only 1 larva/gall.
[He lists the following host records for this species, verified by both host and insect identification, most of which are now in the genus Ericameria:
Chrysothamnus affinis [Ericameria parryi var. affinis], C. albidus [E. albida], C. nauseosus [E. nauseosa var. nauseosa], C. nauseosus var. graveolens [E. nauseosa var. graveolens], C. greenei, C. plattensis [E. nauseosa var. nauseosa], C. viscidiflorus, Haplopappus armerioides [Stenotus armerioides], H. bloomeri [E. bloomeri], H. linearifolius [E. linearifolia].]
[He lists the following additional host species as possible Asteromyia hosts based on observations of galls only (no insect material available). They are included on this page based solely on the hosts' current inclusion in either Chrysothamnus, Ericameria, or near Stenotus. These could alternatively represent multiple undescribed Asteromyia species or host-range extensions of known species:
Chrysothamnus depressus, C. paniculatus [E. paniculata], C. parryi [E. parryi], C. teretifolius [E. teretifolia], Haplopappus arborescens [E. arborescens], H. cooperi [E. cooperi], Chrysothamnus pulchellus [Lorandersonia pulchella] - near Stenotus (Nesom 2020)]

- Raymond J. Gagné: (1968) A Taxonomic Revision of the Genus Asteromyia (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae)©

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