Vitisiella vitis-tuft-gall

The inducer of this gall is unknown or undescribed.
Family: Cecidomyiidae | Genus: Vitisiella
Detachable: integral
Color: orange, pink, red, white, green
Texture: hairy, hairless
Shape: globular, tuft, numerous
Season: Summer
Alignment: integral
Location: upper leaf, lower leaf, between leaf veins
Possible Range:i
Common Name(s):
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image of Vitisiella vitis-tuft-gall
image of Vitisiella vitis-tuft-gall
image of Vitisiella vitis-tuft-gall
image of Vitisiella vitis-tuft-gall
image of Vitisiella vitis-tuft-gall
image of Vitisiella vitis-tuft-gall
image of Vitisiella vitis-tuft-gall
image of Vitisiella vitis-tuft-gall
image of Vitisiella vitis-tuft-gall

Gallformers ID Notes

Small globular integral swellings in numbers in the lamina of Vitis leaves. The galls are distinguished from Vitisiella brevicauda by their smaller size, greater numbers, and lack of agglomeration, and especially by the presence of a distinct tuft of white to red hairs emerging from the upper or lower side of the gall. On the opposite side, the galls are hairless and glossy, a lighter green than the unaffected lamina shading to yellow, orange, and red.

Dr Gagne has identified larvae from this gall as Vitisiella, as reported in this paper by Buhl and Eiseman

- Gallformers Contributors: (2023) Gallformers ID Notes©

Further Information:

See Also:
Unless noted otherwise in the ID Notes, observations of this gall are collected in the Observation Field Gallformers Code with value vitis-tuft-gall on iNaturalist. You can view them here:
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