Protobalandricus spectabilis (agamic)

Family: Cynipidae | Genus: Protobalandricus
Detachable: integral
Color: gray
Texture: stiff
Abundance: common
Shape: spindle
Season: Spring, Summer, Fall
Walls: thick
Location: stem
Form: abrupt swelling
Cells: polythalamous
Possible Range:i
Common Name(s):
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image of Protobalandricus spectabilis (agamic)
image of Protobalandricus spectabilis (agamic)
image of Protobalandricus spectabilis (agamic)
image of Protobalandricus spectabilis (agamic)
image of Protobalandricus spectabilis (agamic)
image of Protobalandricus spectabilis (agamic)
image of Protobalandricus spectabilis (agamic)
image of Protobalandricus spectabilis (agamic)
image of Protobalandricus spectabilis (agamic)

Studies of some new and described Cynipidae (Hymenoptera)

Andricus spectabilis Kinsey

Hosts: Quercus chrysolepis

GALL. — Elongate stem swelling. Polythalamous. Large, elongate, oval to spindle-shaped, averaging 25. mm. wide by 50. mm. long; large specimens scarcely greater in diameter will reach 110. mm. in length; covered with bark of natural color. Internally hard and woody, only the peripheral tissue being less compact than the normal stem wood; larval cells toward the center of the gall, oval, 3. by 5. mm., tissue almost not at all distinct from the rest of the wood; exit holes upon aging show a distinct, smoother area on the bark. On smaller stems of Quercus chrysolepis.

RANGE. — California: San Jacinto Mountains to Auburn and Ukiah. Probably wherever Quercus chrysolepis occurs.

[Kinsey goes on to describe several varieties that do not differ by host or gall morphology, only range and adult morphology; see paper for details]

- Alfred Charles Kinsey: (1922) Studies of some new and described Cynipidae (Hymenoptera)©


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