Dasineura semenivora

Family: Cecidomyiidae | Genus: Dasineura
Detachable: detachable
Color: green
Season: Summer, Fall
Location: underground (roots+), fruit
Possible Range:i
Common Name(s):
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image of Dasineura semenivora
image of Dasineura semenivora
image of Dasineura semenivora
image of Dasineura semenivora
image of Dasineura semenivora
image of Dasineura semenivora

New species of gall-producing cecidomyidae

Cecidomyia? semenivora sp. nov.

Gall. Green, globular or irregularly rounded with a small nipple at the apex and it is attached by a short stalk to the base of the plant. Inside it is hollow and contains many larvae which feed upon the deformed seeds. The gall is about the size of a pea or gooseberry and measures from 6 to 14 mm in diameter.

The gall is a malformation of the seed capsules of apetalous or cleistogamous flowers of stemless or acaulescent violets (Viola cucullata, palmata, affinis, septentrionalis and probably other species).

The specimens from which my descriptions were made were collected by Mr W DeW Miller at Plainfield New Jersey. According to Mr Miller the gall may be found from July until late in October. The larvae when mature spin cocoons inside the gall and hibernate in this state. The adult is unknown.

- William Beutenmuller: (1907) New species of gall-producing cecidomyidae©

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