Amphibolips nassa

Family: Cynipidae | Genus: Amphibolips
Detachable: detachable
Color: brown, green, tan
Texture: hairless
Abundance: common
Shape: globular, spindle
Season: Winter, Spring
Walls: thick, spongy
Location: bud, stem
Form: oak apple
Cells: monothalamous
Possible Range:i
Common Name(s):
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image of Amphibolips nassa
image of Amphibolips nassa
image of Amphibolips nassa
image of Amphibolips nassa
image of Amphibolips nassa
image of Amphibolips nassa

New Mexican gall wasps (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae). II

Amphibolips nassa

Gall. — A rather large, globose but slightly spindle-shaped oak apple with a fine tip and base. Body of gall quite globose, with greatest diameter near middle of gall; up to 40. mm., averaging nearer 24. mm. in length, up to 28. mm., averaging nearer 20, mm. in diameter. Outer shell weathering dirty brown or darker in color, probably green, rosy, and straw when fresh; smooth and naked except for minute, raised, black specks and splotches which are fairly abundant over whole gall; internally very dense (hardly spongy), quite solid except for larval cell; completely separable, borne on twigs.

Host. — Quercus serrulata [castanea], the broader-leaved black oak, and Q. mexicana, the narrow- and entire-leaved black oak of the region.

Range. — Michoacan: Purepero, 5 W, SW)’ (Q. serrulata, types; also galls on Q. mexicana). Morelia, 14 E, 7000’ (galls, Q. serrulata). Possibly extending throughout a wide area in southwestern Mexico, including Michoacan and Jalisco.

Life History. — Unknown. This insect produces a gall indistinguishable from that of A. fusus described above. The single female which we have for this species was cut from old galls gathered at the end of December. Whether this insect is a remnant of a spring-emerging; bisexual generation — of a recently-emerged, fall-maturing, agamic generation — or whether there is any alternation of generations in this species is (as with A. fusus) a matter that cannot be determined on the basis of our present material.

- Alfred Kinsey: (1937) New Mexican gall wasps (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae). II©

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